Meteor City, Arizona.
Technically not a city nor an Arizona municipality, it consists only of a gas station, a tourist shop, the world's largest map of Route 66, and a sign pointing to the meteor crater.
Meteor City, Arizona.
A 1951 Ford on Route 66.
Jackrabbit, Arizona.
The modern Jackrabbit, Arizona sign framing the touristy Jackrabbit, Arizona sign. The town consisted on less than 5 buildings. I blinked and I nearly missed it.
Mr. D's Drive-In, Western Arizona.
In the foreground, the T-Bird that traveled every last mile of the Historic Route 66. In the background, an old-fashioned drive-in restaurant reminiscent of the original Route 66. |
Route 66 Motel, Kingman, Arizona.
The gift shop at Route 66 Motel in Kingman, Arizona. Each room featured sliding glass doors. Many of the rooms had poolside sliding glass doors. |
Hackberry, Arizona.
Population 1. All that remains of the great mining town of Hackberry is an old water tower and an old filling station. The filling station now only serves as a tourist site. The history of Hackberry can be written on one plaque at the station. This chalkboard exists for tourists to write a message to the next tourists. There were visitors from countries as far as Germany who left messages. We left our mark as well.