Galena, Kansas.
The Galena Historical Museum, featuring the shield for the now defunct Missouri/Kansas/Texas Train Line. Galena is one of only three Kansas towns on the original Route 66. The other two are Baxter Springs and Riverton.
Galena, Kansas
Two Route 66 signs. The first one, the shield for the decommissioned U.S. Route 66. The second, the sign for the Historic Route 66. The Historic signs can be found from Chicago to Santa Monica. These signs route the travelers on and off of newer roads, since much of the original Route 66 has been physically removed - or can not be accessed. These signs will get you across the country.
Carthage, Missouri..
A sign from the years of the original Route 66. The DeSoto, are car no longer made. And, as of the year 2000, the Plymouth, now a discontinued line of DaimlerChrysler.
Petrified Forest, Arizona.
A petrified log. This is actually an ancient trunk of a tree. It now sparkles like a geode. The inside of the trunk contains every color of the spectrum, looks like glass, and is harder than a rock. Scientific evidence suggests that this area of the desert was at one time filled with vegetation and rivers. Over time the rains stopped, the trees died and fell into the rivers, the rivers dried up, and a desert was created leaving the petrified forest as the only link to the ancient fertile land. The Petrified Forest is a National Park closely monitored. It is illegal to remove anything from the Petrified Forest.
Oatman, Arizona.
Entering Oatman after quite some time driving through the deserts of Arizona. The first site, a burro standing outside of a shop. Imagine our surprise!
California Route 66, Los Angeles, California.
The U.S. Route 66 is officially retired, therefore no stretches of road bear the original U.S. Route shield. However, State Route California 66 exists on what once was the original U.S. Route 66. Not all states honor the original 66 with a state route of the same name.
El Rancho Motel, Barstow, California.
At the very entrance to the hotel atrium parking lot are signs providing the distance and direction to major cities. Included on this sign are Hong Kong, China - Mars, Pennsylvania - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Seoul, South Korea - Rome, Italy - Chicago, Illinois - Saint Louis, Missouri - and many others. Behind this sign is a small lawn and a big swimming pool.